Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Easter Everyone!

Hope everybody gets a BIG chocolate rabbit.......... If you don't want yours, you can send it to me :)

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Great Orchestra Of Christmas Charity-photos.

The Great Finale .

The Finale is one day long, nation-wide money gathering on the first Sunday of the year. Volunteers previously registered in the Foundation collect money on the streets of their hometowns as well as they organize all kind of creative rallies; parties, concerts, auctions, shows............more information soon

TV Show

Jurek Owsiak (member of The Great Orchestra Of Christmas Charity)

Visit for more info!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, TOMORROW!!!

XIV Finale of Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity /Wielka Orkiestra Swiatecznej Pomocy
is the biggest and most prosperous charity organization in Poland.

Visit for more info!!!

Our new HOME!

We're finally moved into our new big home.....

old home

new home

bathroom 1
bathroom 2



Our address is different,

our home is new,

But the door is always open

for friends like you :) (Monika, Magda, Sebastian & Jacek )

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Do you think Taryll is hot?

Okay okay, that is totally like asking if Mars is a planet :P In other words, YEAH!!!
What else can I say..............He is damn fine!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

In Memory of September 11, 2001

September 11, a day that changed all of lives forever!

All of the victims and their relatives are in my prayers...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Well, I finally got a new car.........j/k

I bought this car yesterday for my 3-1/2 year old niece. She does not actually ride it yet, but loves to sit on it and push the buttons, push it around and place her toys in the secret compartment under the seat and boot. She especially loves the song that it plays as well as the beeps and lights. The music is very pleasant and not too loud...

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Trip to Kudowa/Czermna ( kaplica czaszek).

Kaplica Czaszek/Chapel of the Skulls

A chapel whose interior is completely lined with skulls and bones.

The entire walls and ceiling of the Baroque chapel are decorated with three thousand human skulls. Another 20 thousand are deposited under the floor. This singular work was done in the late 18th century by a local Czech-Polish priest , who wanted the future generations to remember the victims of the bloody religious wars of the 17th century, the two Silesian wars in the 18th century, and the cholera epidemics that plagued the region.........